Colonial charm in Sabi Sand Game Reserve

Sabi Sabi's intimate Sabi Sabi Selati Camp was created as an authentic home in the bush and is the most unforgettable of African experiences. Located near a disused railway line, the camp embraces a 19th-century railway theme: from original steam engine nameplates, signals, and other memorabilia in the lounge to collector's pieces in each room and shunter's lamps lighting the way to your Suite.

Sabi Sabi epitomises Africa's magic. With no fences between the reserve and the Kruger Park, big game moves freely through this unspoilt part of Africa. The reserve has a great biodiversity of habitat and wildlife, giving an excellent chance of close encounters with elephant, rhino, buffalo, lion, leopard, wild dog and cheetah.

The luxury thatched Suites, each with full bathroom en-suite and private alfresco shower, blend perfectly into the surrounding bush. Home-cooked cuisine is served on decks built over the riverbed in the open-air boma, or in the farmhouse kitchen. The camp is still lit at night by the gentle flicker of oil lamps, the warm glow of fires and the spectacular canopy of the southern night sky.

Sabi Sabi Selati Camp Highlights

  • Unique, railway themed camp with expert attention to detail in every aspect
  • Part of the Sabi Sabi group of five-star luxury safari camps
  • With limited Suites, the experience here is exclusive and always memorable
  • Ivory Presidential Suite and Lourenco Marques Suite for exceptional and romantic accommodation
  • Game-viewing activities are rewarding, with a wide biodiversity of habitats and variety of wildlife

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